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Binge, Stream or Skip? Drama Review // Ghost Doctor 《고스트 닥터》

   You can watch the trailer above or start watching  episode one here on Netflix . Warning! Spoilers ahead. I don't even remember the exact reason why I clicked on this show but I am sure glad that I did. The last time I watched Rain star in a drama would be Full House (that's like close to 20 years ago, gosh!) whereas I am more up-to-date with Kim Beom's dramas, the last being Law School. Not gonna lie but after watching the trailer, I actually held a bit of expectations for this series and I have to say, they delivered! Let's skip all the fluff and I'll go straight down to dissect why I think this series is bingeable in the sections below. Synopsis (taken from AsianWiki): Cha Young-Min (Rain) is a genius doctor, but he is arrogant and selfish. One day, he gets involved in an unexpected case. Due to the unexpected case, his spirit possesses another doctor's body. These two doctors are complete opposites, with opposite personalities and medical abilities. The ...

Binge, Stream or Skip? Drama Review // All of Us Are Dead 《지금 우리 학교는》


You can watch the trailer above or start watching episode one here on Netflix.

Warning! Spoilers ahead.

I actually finished watching this show quite some time weeks ago, or maybe even a couple of months ago? Then I got distracted by many other shows so it only took me now to write this up. If you like post-apocalyptic settings and/or zombies kind of stuff, then this show is streamable. Otherwise, this show is actually skippable as I feel that it is lacking as compared to other similar themed shows like Sweet Home, for example. It is not that bad but it is not that good either. Just average. Hence, still watchable if you are looking for shows with such themes.

Synopsis (taken from Netflix):

A high school becomes ground zero for a zombie virus outbreak. Trapped students must fight their way out — or turn into one of the rabid infected.

What I like about this drama:

Generally, I do enjoy shows with post-apocalyptic settings and/zombies, probably dystopian themes, etc too. This show also have like minorities with super powers. And I like super powers.

Apart from a minority group of zombies having super powers, this show is just like most other zombie shows. So that's about it.

Who I like in this drama:

Nobody really. Just very neutral towards all the characters.

If I really have to pick one, then it would be Park Sun Hwa, the form teacher of class 2-5. She's a dedicated teacher who really cares about her students. In the end, she sacrificed herself for her student too when I would have just given up on that student, if I were her. Hahaha. I actually felt a little bit sad about her death.

There is one cute guy though. Park Solomon. He is not exactly my type but I suppose he is the best out of the bunch already.

What I don't like about this drama:

I was really looking forward to a showdown between the super zombie Yoon Gwi Nam, the main antagonist of the show, and super zombie Choi Nam Ra, the class president of class 2-5 and love interest of Lee Su Hyeok (Park Solomon's character). There were a couple of short fights, then that's it.

Another showdown that I was looking forward to, even more so than the one above, is between super zombie Yoon Gwi Nam and super zombie Min Eun Ji. At the start of the series, we see that Eun Ji and her male friend are bullying targets of Gwi Nam's group. They did horrible things to her. So...why is she not seeking revenge? When it is obvious that the bullying is affecting her so much even after she turned she couldn't forget. So her rage stopped after destroying a bunch of mobile phones? Like, huh?

Who I don't like (or possibly even dislike) in this drama:

Even now and then, in every show, there will always be stupid characters so what's new.

Other notes:



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