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Binge, Stream or Skip? Drama Review // Ghost Doctor 《고스트 닥터》

   You can watch the trailer above or start watching  episode one here on Netflix . Warning! Spoilers ahead. I don't even remember the exact reason why I clicked on this show but I am sure glad that I did. The last time I watched Rain star in a drama would be Full House (that's like close to 20 years ago, gosh!) whereas I am more up-to-date with Kim Beom's dramas, the last being Law School. Not gonna lie but after watching the trailer, I actually held a bit of expectations for this series and I have to say, they delivered! Let's skip all the fluff and I'll go straight down to dissect why I think this series is bingeable in the sections below. Synopsis (taken from AsianWiki): Cha Young-Min (Rain) is a genius doctor, but he is arrogant and selfish. One day, he gets involved in an unexpected case. Due to the unexpected case, his spirit possesses another doctor's body. These two doctors are complete opposites, with opposite personalities and medical abilities. The ...

Binge, Stream or Skip? Drama Review // Rookie Cops 《너와 나의 경찰수업》


You can watch the trailer above or start watching episode one here on Disney+.

Warning! Spoilers ahead.

First of all, I'm not sure if this feeling is legit, but I felt weird watching a K-drama on Disney+. I usually watch American sitcoms on the platform so I wasn't sure if I should be feeling different when watching a Disney+ original K-drama as compared to watching on Netflix. Okay, that aside, the weird feeling I had has whatever no effect on my verdict on this show. Honestly, I wouldn't say it was so great that I would classify it as bingeable, but I thought it was quite good at the start. All the way till about episode 12-13? When they were working on the solving the last case that involved a famous CEO in the drama. Hence, averaging out my review on this show, I would say that this is streamable. Although I was so close to rating it as borderline skippable.

Synopsis: (taken from Disney+)

A coming of age story that captures the challenges, spirit and passion of youth as two students at the Korean National Police University study to become full-fledged cops. Social and personal passions arise as two very different students work to achieve their dreams and aspirations in the line of duty.

What I like about this drama:

Crime and mystery is a very good combination for me.

Passion of youths??

I like the uniforms that the students wear while they attend Korean National Police University (KNPU). Suppose this counts as the costumes?

Drama soundtracks nowadays are just too good. Like, there's a certain standard now. I'm glad. Not to say that there is a low standard for past drama soundtracks. It's more like, every drama that I've watched lately would have a very catchy/memorable main theme song that would make me want to add it to my Spotify playlist.

Who I like in this drama:

Kim Tak. (He is NOT the male lead) He is just too manly. And also the tallest guy out of the bunch hahaha. Not to mention how he is that loyal buddy who you know will always watch your back. Plus that countryside accent as a bonus.

What I don't like about this drama:

The drama actually started off on the right foot though. The group would solve a case in every couple of episodes and bring justice to the victim(s). Then I don't know what happened towards the end with regards to the, I would say, biggest case and also the last case of the drama. Probably they wanted to end with an impactful and suspenseful and/or thrilling last case but it got so messy at the end? Like, it makes me infuriated watching the lead characters taking twenty steps back when they've advanced two steps previously. There wasn't really much character development, in my opinion. At least not the two main leads. If I were to name one character with any character development at all, I would say Ki Hanna. And she's only a supporting female character.

Who I don't like (or possibly even dislike) in this drama:

Honestly, there isn't exactly a character that I dislike, per say. But there are some characters that have some annoying points that made me feel irritated or made me roll my eyes every now and then.

For example, the female lead's older sister. Not sure if they meant to make her a bit of a comical character, but the degree to how tactless she can be irritates me so much at some points.

Then there is the male lead (portrayed by Kang Daniel) who seemed to have selective memory. When he confronted his father about his relationship with the questionable CEO, he quoted the words of Detective Kang. But, hello?? There have been a couple of instances where the CEO himself boasted about the "close" relationship he has with his father. And in those instances, he boasted in front of the male lead's group of friends too, which included the female lead. So did it not occur to the both of them to not pass incriminating evidence over to the male lead's father? Gosh. Have they not been paying attention in class? Their professor mentioned that every drop of blood on a crime scene is as important. Just because he is your father doesn't give him a free pass. How would they become the justice upholding police people that they strive to be?

Other notes:



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