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Binge, Stream or Skip? Drama Review // Ghost Doctor 《고스트 닥터》

   You can watch the trailer above or start watching  episode one here on Netflix . Warning! Spoilers ahead. I don't even remember the exact reason why I clicked on this show but I am sure glad that I did. The last time I watched Rain star in a drama would be Full House (that's like close to 20 years ago, gosh!) whereas I am more up-to-date with Kim Beom's dramas, the last being Law School. Not gonna lie but after watching the trailer, I actually held a bit of expectations for this series and I have to say, they delivered! Let's skip all the fluff and I'll go straight down to dissect why I think this series is bingeable in the sections below. Synopsis (taken from AsianWiki): Cha Young-Min (Rain) is a genius doctor, but he is arrogant and selfish. One day, he gets involved in an unexpected case. Due to the unexpected case, his spirit possesses another doctor's body. These two doctors are complete opposites, with opposite personalities and medical abilities. The ...

Binge, Stream or Skip? Drama Review // Doctor John 《의사 요한》


You can watch the trailer above or start watching episode one here on Netflix.

Warning! Spoilers ahead.

I'm gonna just tell you straight up that this drama is bingeable. Finally! A drama that I actually think is worth losing sleep over. The dramas that I have been watching recently were...kinda disappointing. It was always good at the start then it I don't know what happened in the middle and it went on a downward spiral. Most were unable to pick themselves back up at the end. But this drama! This drama! I was actually able to watch it from start to end without having to put it on 1.5x speed (maximum on Netflix). And at the end of each episode, I kept wanting more. It took almost everything in me to hold myself back on binging because I need to study for final exams next week so I had to watch in moderation (one episode each during lunch and dinner). Oh, and this drama was actually out quite some time ago. But Devil Judge was quite a disappointment so I had to turn to watching older dramas starring Ji Sung to fill the gap. Ji Sung never disappoints of course, it was the plot that failed. So glad this drama was able to make up for whatever hole Devil Judge dug.

Synopsis: (taken from Netflix)

Unable to feel pain within his own body but skilled at diagnosing others, a pain management doctor stands up for his philosophy on life and death.

What I like about this drama:

Medical drama. I think I might a bit of a sapiosexual. Hearing and learning all about those medical terms makes me feel so satisfied. There's just something about this, and law terms too. Makes me feel smart, maybe? Hahaha.

The original soundtrack (OST). Let me warn you if you decide to listen to the entire playlist. It is sad.

Ji Sung.

Ji Sung.

Ji Sung.

When I thought things were gonna reach that irritating, frustrating point that they always try to make viewers feel, misunderstandings get resolved quite quickly before you hit that ceiling. And when things get solved, they make your tears flow too. Glad that this drama was worth all the tears I've shed.

Who I like in this drama:

Surely. The male lead (ML), Cha Yo Han, played by Ji Sung. Can't believe that he played Cha Yo Han here and Kang Yo Han in Devil Judge. The two characters actually even have quite some similarities in their personalities.

Most other characters, especially the doctors and nurses in the Pain Management Department.

What I don't like about this drama:

Can't think of anything. Really. So glad that almost all the important enough characters had character development so nobody actually was annoying.

Who I don't like (or possibly even dislike) in this drama:

Probably only one. The lady who was venting the loss of her daughter on Yo Han. Could also say she is the main antagonist of this drama I suppose. But even she had character development and became a better person who could understand someone else's opinion at the end.

Actually at one point, I didn't really like the female lead, because she had infringed on the ML's privacy by entering his office and viewing the files on his computer without permission. But that's about it. I can forgive for the sake of the continuation of the plot.

Other notes:

For the lack of texts in this review. To make this more thorough. For the first time, I shall flood you guys with a bunch of screenshots. Enjoy!

Conclusion: I need a Cha Yo Han in my life.


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