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Binge, Stream or Skip? Drama Review // Ghost Doctor 《고스트 닥터》

   You can watch the trailer above or start watching  episode one here on Netflix . Warning! Spoilers ahead. I don't even remember the exact reason why I clicked on this show but I am sure glad that I did. The last time I watched Rain star in a drama would be Full House (that's like close to 20 years ago, gosh!) whereas I am more up-to-date with Kim Beom's dramas, the last being Law School. Not gonna lie but after watching the trailer, I actually held a bit of expectations for this series and I have to say, they delivered! Let's skip all the fluff and I'll go straight down to dissect why I think this series is bingeable in the sections below. Synopsis (taken from AsianWiki): Cha Young-Min (Rain) is a genius doctor, but he is arrogant and selfish. One day, he gets involved in an unexpected case. Due to the unexpected case, his spirit possesses another doctor's body. These two doctors are complete opposites, with opposite personalities and medical abilities. The ...

Binge, Stream or Skip? Drama Review // Hellbound 《지옥》

You can watch the trailer above or start watching episode one here on Netflix.

Warning! Spoilers ahead.

Technically there are only six episodes in the first season, so I finished it all in one day. This drama is definitely interesting, if you like such genres, although not even sure what to classify this as, maybe supernatural mystery? Supernatural thriller? But in any case, I would say that this drama is definitely stream-worthy and even borderline binge-able. Borderline binge-able because there are only six episodes, it is easy to finish in one go. Since it is very hard to say if it will make me want to pull an all nighter if it had more episodes. However, judging from these six episodes, it just might.

Synopsis: (taken from Netflix)

Unearthly beings deliver bloody condemnations, sending individuals to hell and giving rise to a religious group founded on the idea of divine justice.

What I like about this drama:

The idea in itself is quite fresh. It is almost like a lead up to an end of the world but not via zombies. Just some scary, bulky beings supposedly from hell. These otherworldly beings will appear out of nowhere and decimate the target, whom is referred to having received a decree (i.e. date and time of death), then they disappear through a portal. These beings would hunt down the target, and only the target, whether there are live audiences or not. Hence, technically it is safe for others to watch the entire process on the sidelines since people aside from the target won't be touched. Unless, you provoke them enough like shooting a live pistol at them, of course.

There are also many underlying notions about society and societal behaviours, in my opinion. Unless, I am overthinking. Like there are affluent, and most possibly influential people, who paid tons of money to watch the "execution" live. There are many other dramas that showed rich people having such hobbies, recent dramas like Squid Game for example. Why? Then there's also punishment for people who don't conform to the beliefs of the majority. Like for example, after the first live broadcast of an execution, everybody bowed down except for two lawyers who continued standing up in utter shock. But sadly for them, as it was a live broadcast, they were caught as the other two people who are not respecting "God" and were brutally beaten up by a violent gang called Arrowhead. Nobody rushed to help, instead, people were judging them as well. And then, we all know, there's the power of the internet, how much influence it can be on people. So on and so forth. Beneath the entertainment, there are points for reflection.

It is based on a webtoon. Need I say more? The director of the drama is also the author, or I think co-author, of the webtoon.

Who I like in this drama:

Honestly, there isn't anybody in particular, not that I dislike them all, but maybe the entire drama has been too short to get attached to any character, for now. But if I have to choose one, I would say Bae Yeong Jae. His newborn baby received a decree about a week after being born. He never gave up on trying to save his kid. He is also quite a good friend and colleague to a senior at work, whom also received a decree.

What I don't like about this drama:

I wouldn't exactly say I don't like, but there are so many questions left unanswered and many phenomenons that are left unexplained by the end of the season. Hopefully, they intend to make a second season to answer all of these, otherwise, these will just become loopholes. Like for example, throughout the drama, we were led believe that these decrees only happen to people who have committed evil doings, only to be revealed that this is not true and that the real reason for these happenings and the pattern of selecting the targets are still unknown. Which is perfectly fine, plot twist right? Also throughout the drama, we also come to know that a person can receive a decree ranging from just ten minutes before death to twenty years. How and why? Then we also know that a newborn up to a middle aged person can receive a decree, there hasn't been a case shown in the drama yet that an elderly person received a decree. If there is, the age is very wide and possibly super random. So will they attributing the selection to pure randomness? We were shown how one of the main characters, Jeong Jin Soo, came to establish The New Truth, a highly influential cult in this series. But another character that I deem very much influential in this series, Lee Dong Wook, the streamer in fluorescent paint and wig, needs a backstory. How is it that the Arrowhead gang members take heed of his instructions when he is not the leader. Or is he? How did he come to be such a devout believer of The New Truth, even adding his own judgemental and violent twist. All in all, there are many things that need to be addressed subsequently.

Who I don't like (or possibly even dislike) in this drama:

So many! That I am so lazy to list them all out. But then again, we need such characters in such dramas.

Other notes:

Six episodes are really too short for such a storyline. Each episode is not even a full hour. I really hope that there will be a second season. It would be too mean of them not to, when they left such a huge cliffhanger at the end of the last episode.


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